Thursday, 25 June 2009

Well, are you?

Well, are you?

This is a bit more normal for me, lots of bokeh, some kind of thinly veiled message, angular composition. I was walking around having dropped off some prop making materials at my daughters school, and I spotted this bench. There was a very normal memorial message on it, but unusually the word happy stood out... not many people would choose to use that word in a memorial, they'd be scared of causing offense.

I got to thinking, why shouldn't a memory be happy?

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Apple of My Eye

This one is unusual for me. I don't normally go in for product shots, anything advertorial. I tend to find the results I get are a little less than interesting. If you have a mooch through my flickr photo stream you'll see what I do take photos of, found things. I go walking with camera and shoot what my eye finds. It's not planned.

In a way this is what happened here.

In the evening, after a days walking and shooting I was sitting down, laptop to my left, single light source on, everything looking calm and moody. I reached for my camera to transfer the days shots and as I turned back to open the lid of the powerbook I saw this shot. So it's found beauty and advertorial at the same time.

I am kind of in love with the shallow depth of field and the subtle bokeh on the far end of the apple logo, and I think the composition is kind of good too...

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

I'm starting with this one, seeing as it's top of my most favourited and interesting lists on Flickr.

It's a shot of the Everest ride in the Animal Kingdom Park of Disneyworld Florida. It's pretty much as close as I'm going to get to the real thing, and as a bonus there's a pretty hot roller coaster inside it. That can't be said of the real thing.

Is it worthy of the attention? I'm not so sure, to me it's a so-so composition, and a so-so HDR, but it's not for me to decide. I do like it, but I'm not sure I love it...
Everest HDR 2
So I thought I could share some of my photos on a blog. Talk a bit about why they were taken, when that sort of stuff. Hope you like them.